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How To Add Bonus To GrooveFunnels Affiliate Program?

How to Add Bonus to GrooveFunnels Affiliate Program
The best, tried-and-tested tactic to convert leads into affiliates is by offering them a bonus. This article discusses how can you add bonuses to your GrooveFunnels Affiliate Program.

Back in the good old days of the internet (during 2010s), when the competition was not so tough, it was relatively easier to inspire action from your readers.

In fact, many affiliates have achieved wonders just following the traditional practice of writing a simple and plain article and slapping their affiliate links all over it. After that, all they had to do was to divert traffic on it and then watch their bank balance grow.

Even I have benefited to some extent from this practice which now seems like a distant dream.

Since the affiliate marketing turf wasn’t too saturated, it was relatively simpler to get leads and commissions from a simple piece of content.

But today, just like everything else, things have gotten a lot difficult.

The online marketing gurus have stressed the need to have your own blog so much that after learning from them every other person is now running a blog. Even the moms and pops who are not known for being tech-savvy, know that how a blog can do wonders for them. As a result, the readers have now more options than ever before.

If your article does not make sense, they can always switch to another one. Or even better, watch a YouTube video. If they still have questions lingering on their minds, they can go to a forum and post their queries which will then be answered by tens of other users who have gone through the same experience.

In short, they are never short of options.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I truly cherish this development. After all, it’s good for the “end-user” but at the same time, not so good for the affiliate marketers as they now have to struggle more for a single dollar than they used to do say, 7-10 years ago.

However, as they say, “necessity is the mother of invention”, shrewd affiliate marketers have come up with different techniques to make sure to stay on the top in this highly competitive market.

And one of these techniques is offering Affiliate Bonuses.

Now, what are affiliate bonuses, how does this all work and most importantly, how can you add bonus to GrooveFunnels Affiliate program? I’ll discuss all this and more in this article.

Also Read: Complete GrooveFunnels Review – Pricing, Features, etc.

What are Affiliate Bonuses?

To gain a breathing space in this cut-throat competition and to stand out from their peers, affiliates have now started to offer certain incentives that their leads can benefit from if they sign up using their links.

So the affiliate bonuses are the incentives or benefits that an affiliate commits to provide to their leads who sign up using his link.

These affiliate bonuses could be anything such as:

  • A helpful guide in form of articles or video
  • Whitepaper
  • Checklist
  • Cheatsheet
  • Tutorial
  • Discount Coupon
  • Webinar access
  • Access to a forum or any other place which is not accessible to any other user
  • Etc.

In short, the affiliate bonus can be anything that provides your lead an edge over those who don’t sign up using your link. Needless to say that the more unique and value-adding your bonus, the more the chances of your visitors converting.

Since now you know that how the affiliate bonus works, fortunate for us, the GrooveAffiliate app in GrooveFunnels allows you to create bonuses for your affiliates. Do keep reading to learn how as I will guide you that if you want to promote the GrooveFunnels affiliate program then how can you add affiliate bonuses to it for better conversions.

Before going ahead, just in case you’re interested in GrooveFunnels, you can create a FREE account right away. You just need to Click Here

How To Add Bonus To GrooveFunnels Affiliate Program?

Before continuing on this section, just in case you’re not aware of the GrooveFunnels affiliate program, read my another article that discusses why I find this affiliate program as one of the most lucrative affiliate programs out there and how can you make decent passive income online.

Here’s the complete article: GrooveFunnels Affiliate Program Review – How Can You Make $1,196/Month Passively?

Using GrooveAffiliate app you can segment your affiliates based on their status so that they receive bonuses according to their status.

For instance, you can assign a different bonus for a person who signs up for a free account using your link and a different bonus for the one who becomes a paid user by subscribing for the lifetime deal.

So here’s how you can do all of this.

Creating Bonuses in GrooveFunnels

  1. From the main dashboard go to Affiliate Earnings. Click the Promos link first and then the Bonuses link and then Click the New Bonus button
    GrooveFunnels - Add New Bonus
  2. Enter the name of the Bonus in the Name field. Although you can name whatever you want but for the sake of remembering, use the name that gives a hint about the type of bonus
    GrooveFunnels - Create New Bonus
  3. Enter the URL of your bonus page in the Link field. This is the web address of your bonus or in other words, this is the page where your affiliate will be redirected to once he completes a certain action so that he can access the bonus
  4. Click the Create button to save the settings

Congrats! You have just created a bonus. Now, it’s time to link your bonus with a particular activity.

What this means is that you’re telling GrooveFunnels to redirect your affiliate to a particular page based on his status. For instance, if he becomes a free member then redirect him to say, Page A or if he becomes a premium lifetime member then redirect him to Page B. So on and so forth.

So let’s see how can you assign a specific bonus page to each distinct activity.

Assigning Bonus To A Specific Activity

  1. Again, from the Dashboard go to the GrooveAffiliate app – This has been named Affiliate Earnings
    GrooveFunnels - Affiliate Earnings
  2. Click the Promos link then Promotions And Links and then click the Bonuses icon against the funnel for which you want to create the bonus.
    GrooveFunnels - Promotions and Links
  3. A small pop-up window will display all the possible “activities” that an affiliate can perform. Assign the bonuses that you created above to these activities by accessing the drop-down menu
    GrooveFunnels - Affiliate Bonuses
  4. Click the Save button once done.

So now, you have assigned an “action” to the specific activities that your possible lead can perform.

Understanding the Affiliate Bonuses Workflow In GrooveAffiliate App

As far as configuring affiliate bonuses is concerned, you have done that. Now, just in case you’re confused that how all of this is going to work then here’s a brief overview of the workflow.

Let’s say your visitor clicks your affiliate link and signs up as a free user. GrooveFunnels, which knows that the account was created with your affiliate link, will check if there’s any affiliate bonus upon creating a free account.

If yes, then GrooveFunnels will check the URL of the bonus page and will send a link to your affiliate to that bonus page where they can claim their bonuses.

The cycle continues if the same or another user becomes a paid member. The GrooveFunnels will go through the same drill and see if there’s any bonus assigned to this specific activity. If yes, then the link will be sent to the user.

I hope this all makes sense now.

Final Word

GrooveFunnels provides you a great platform to manage your affiliates as well as your affiliate program.

As I have said before, in order to improve your conversion rates and making sure that the maximum number of users sign up using your link you should be providing them with helpful and enticing bonuses, and using the GrooveAffiliate app, you can do that easily. So if you’re interested in joining ClickFunnels, you can start today for free without even using your credit card. You just need to Sign Up Here.